My last day of work before maternity leave was Christmas Eve. My sister and Mel came over on that day and stayed for 2 days with us during Christmas. I was exhausted and was not much of any use but Reyko and Mel really helped with the cooking and all.
Our Christmas Eve dinner:
Clam Chowder - Rachael Ray's recipe - easy and yummo.
Spaghetti with tomatoes and artichoke
Our Christmas dinner:
Lobster bisque (in a crockpot) - this turned out easy and great.
Lobster - I did no work on this since Pat took the meat out of its shell for me.
Steelhead Trout
mashed potatoes with cranberry sauce - Terran's favorite
dinner rolls (that we forgot to make)
pumpkin cheese cake - Reyko made it and I ate most of it. I saw her using 3 blocks of cream cheese....
Oh so yummy and happy but Sisi was sick and threw up on the floor during dinner - lovely....
Kids got endless amount of presents from everyone we can think of. They were happy but this was also overwhelming for me at the same time.
On Monday after Christmas, I had my weekly ObGyn appointment and the nurse told me that I had gained 5 lbs in 1 week. Pat's eyes popped out of the sockets. I just explained that I had a lot of holiday spirit.... At this same appointment, the doc told me that I am now 2.5cm dilated and everything feels very loose down there. She gave me a "labor warning" - meaning it could happen any time now. I told my doc that we want the baby to be born on January 12 - a couple of days after my mom gets here. She just kind of laughed as if saying, yeah, I don't think you can hold out that long....
So now, it's new year's eve. I've been sleeping a lot. Terran seems quite sick. Sisi is a little better. They are in bed now and Pat and I are quietly hanging out, enjoying the last couple of hours of the year.
Here's a glimpse of our 2009:
Feb: I left my family for the first time and went back to CA. I spent time in LA and SF. I took the CSE in CA to get my architect's license.
Feb: Sisi at 18 months finally stopped nursing.
Feb: My mom was here in NJ for a couple of weeks to take my place while I was in CA. That was really nice.
April: Got a letter from CAB saying that I failed my exam. This letter energized me to try to get a license in NY.
April: Found out I was pregnant for the 3rd time!
May: My mom was here searching for my sister Wako. After they found her in LA, they all came over to the east coast. Mom, Reyko, and Wako spend some time with us in NJ. It was stressful. Nothing really came out of this.
June: Went on a mini vacation to DC. Lots of fun.
July: Terran turned 4.
July: Got licensed as an architect in NY.
August: Went on a mini beach vacation to Ocean City, NJ. Absolute indulgence for the kids.
August: Sisi turned 2.
Sept: Dad got an email from Wako saying she's coming back to Japan. And now, she's
there - doing great.
November: Junko turned a year older and noticed herself lying about her age....
November: Getting H1N1 shots was a big deal. After going through numerous calls, I finally found a shot for myself through our township health department. Soon after, Terran and Sisi were able to get them through their doc. Pat had to get his nasal spray from my Ob.
November: Terran got really sick for a week while Pat's parents were in town. It was the first time he was in bed for 2 days with high fever and vomit. We were worried sick and sad....
Dec: Here we are. Awaiting the birth of our new baby. Looking forward to the new year that's going to bring us lots of joy and lots of work!
Terran loves to build. He's quite creative and often makes interesting structures with blocks, rails, lego pieces. He can be focused for a long time on this. I'm trying to find other building toys for him. Sisi likes to destroy....
School photo 2009: Sisi doesn't have an individual shot because she refused to sit by herself. So Terran sat and kissed her while she has a little tear drop from her eye.

My husband: Can you see why I love him so much?