Terran and Sisi enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with their faces.
Photo op with our dinner guest and our Thanksgiving turkey before getting cooked. Last year, we got a free range turkey from a local farm. This year, we opted for a recession style Turkey, a free one that our grocery store gave me after spending $300 in the previous month at the store, which is not a big deal at all for a family. We brined the turkey and the white meat turned out amazing!
A cute photo of Pat and Sisi. His haircut has been a sore spot in our marriage for the past few months. For whatever reason, he stubbornly goes to the barber down the street named Joe. Joe doesn't take appointments, so men sit for hours waiting for their turn. Joe likes to chat, and he often chats using his hands - while his hands are busy chatting, his customers are waiting. I never complained much about the haircut but these days, it's getting really bad - as you can obviously see in this photo. I think Joe is getting old and Pat needs to find another Barber.
The kids are into computers. Terran loves to watch train videos on youtube.
Terran always loved to read. I even have a photo of Pat reading to Terran when he was just 2 days old. Sisi wasn't so patient with books until now. Now, she would bring a book, says "book" and sit on our laps so we can read to her. She started walking 2 weeks ago and at the same time her vocabulary started really increasing. Now she loves to say "snow", "apple", "book", "ball", and I think she even says "not nice".
A family photo that Reyko took during Thanksgiving.
Another family photo taken by Reyko. This is in Princeton for their tree lighting a day after thanksgiving. It was almost impossible to get this shot because the kids were so all over the place. Happy Holidays!